@CronoflyerHi guys, I have charged the gnuvario bootloader on my arduino. Is it possible tu check if is it all right, before soldering the pcb? thanks
Hi Cronoflyer ! Sorry for the delay I have a lot of work currently and not much time for the Arduino's stuff.
Yes you can check the bootloader without soldering the Arduino board. And without soldering pin headers ! Just use the same configuration than for burning the bootloader (see picture here) :
https://prunkdump.github.io/GNUVario/bootloader.htmlBut, instead of connecting the Arduino to the programming board, connect it to the SD card reader.
1) Connect the Arduino to the SD card reader on the breadboard (using the pin headers not soldered)
-> Arduino VCC to SD card 3V
-> Arduino GND to SD card GND
-> Arduino 11 to SD card MOSI
-> Arduino 12 to SD card MISO
-> Arduino 13 to SD card SCK
2) Power the Arduino (not soldered pin headers) with something. A LiPo battery or another Arduino using the RAW and GND pins.
3) Format the SD card with Etcher following this procedure (point 2)
https://prunkdump.github.io/GNUVario/configuration.html4) Compile Variometer.ino and put the FIRM.HEX on the SD card using this procedure :
https://prunkdump.github.io/GNUVario/code.html5) Put the SD card on the reader. And :
-> Put the Arduino on the pin headers
-> Power on the Arduino and check the "L" led
-> immediately after power-on the L led must blink very rapidly during 2 seconds
This is because the first time the Arduino with boot it will launch the bootloader.
6) If this don't works the first time, connect and release the RESET and GND pins together. This will launch the bootloader again and start loading the firmware. So the L led will blink again.
@autres Vous inquietez pas ! J'ai toujours beaucoup de boulot qui m'empêche de developper correctement le vario.
Mais ça devrait se tasser sous peu
Mais vous vous débrouillez très bien sans moi de toute façon
Ya juste ce bug aléatoire qu'il faut résoudre absolument.